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joi, 14 iulie 2011

Beat Makers Software – What you need to know to become the next Hip Hop superstar beatmaster!

Rap, Hip Hop, Electronic and Funky music is such a massive scene now that there are literally millions of people listening to and loving it with a passion! But for a select few; they wish to take that passion to a whole different level…Music creation! They want to learn how to create and mix their own beats and tunes!
It's such an awesome feeling to create your own banging track and to flash it off to all your mates, it can be a real rush and very exciting, but where in the world do you start?
For many years it was renowned that to make high quality tunes of a professional level required a huge input of cash, time and knowledge!
Now for a new enthusiast one or all of these three requirements were well out of reach!
You would need a tonne of expensive equipment, a vast knowledge of music theory and years of dedication to understand how it all works and how to put it all together! You pretty much needed a degree to understand most of it and this took a lot of fun out of the creative side for many people. It was just not feasible to spend this much time, money and energy on a new hobby not knowing if you are going to like it or not!
Beat Makers Software is the answer…
Well here's the good news, instead of having to shell out a tonne of money for a professional recording studio, spend hours if not years working out complicated high end software solutions, you can get your hands on beat makers software programs that are on the market which allow you to get started making your own beats today, that are both easy to use and eliminate all the frustrations.
For a beginner who has got loads of tunes banging around in their head, they want to get them out quickly so they and others can hear them. What they need is something which helps them turn those creative ideas into real sounds and onto a track as quickly and easily as possible.
Beat makers software allows you to do just that without having to trawl through mountains of complicated manuals trying to understand different functions and parameters before you can start, in doing so you not only lose the moment but chances are you lose the thread of your track.
So which One is Best for you?
There are so many options of beat makers software programs on the market today that allow you to make beats that sound professional, - how can you know which one to choose and which will be best for you?
Each program will fit different needs. If you're an experienced sound engineer for example, then you may require a more complex and sophisticated program, if you are a beginner like most, then an easier to understand program will be required which gives you more flexibility.
Some of the better ones out there are Magix Music Maker, Cubase,
Dubturbo and Fruitly Loops.
The scope these programs can give you is amazing, you can pretty much make any tune you like with them and each with a totally individual sound. They all have differing features and levels of complexity so the learning curve can be immense!
Some of these programs actually allow you to trial the software first to see how you get on with it, they give you a period of between 14 and 30 days and if you aren't happy, then you can ask for a refund.
This is a great advantage to those wishing to see if this is for them or not.
One that really stands out!
DUBTurbo V1.5 is probably one of the best beat makers software programs out there for beginners, it is a lot different from the rest as it has been designed specifically with the novice in mind!- but what makes it really different is that it can be used as a learning tool, so you will not only get the know-how with music production, but it teaches you in a way which is easy to understand and implement.
A newer version of this has actually just been released which incorporates new sound kits, you will now find it even easier to make the sounds and beats you want. This version is getting huge feedback and the biggest reason for this is because in order to use this effectively, you do not require any musical theory knowledge at all.
You can simply download the product, install it on your computer and have an easy to use, very professional point and click interface at your disposal so you can start making beats straight away!
Now that is what I call easy and perfect for the beginner!

How to start recording music at home

It's perfectly possible to make very high quality recordings at home with today's computer technology. However, you will need to spend a fair bit of money on software, and hardware (such as high quality microphones and soundcards) in order to achieve this. BUT DON'T WORRY! It is entirely possible to make recordings at home that are very respectable in quality whilst spending only a relatively small amount of money! Even better's all pretty easy to do!

I like to think of my home recording set-up like an artist's sketchbook. It's somewhere to play around with my ideas, record a few vocal takes, put down a basic bass line, some simple drums and maybe a guitar track behind it. It's then that the magic really starts. On pretty much all music software you can just copy and paste individual parts (or whole sections) around, just like you would do in a word processor. This makes it really easy to swap verses around, try a new drum beat on a different section...anything you can think of really.

Home studio software usually has a good selection of instruments built in, so you can add piano, strings, brass, synth and many more sounds to your songs. If you're an accomplished keyboard player you can play all these different parts in via a (music) keyboard. If not, you can just play the notes in on screen (and you can change them really easily if you play a wrong note).

Like I said, if you want to do this all at a really high (studio quality) level, then you'll need to think about investing some serious cash. But most software and hardware manufacturers have realised that there are loads of people like you and me out there, and have produced some really good 'Entry Level' cut down versions of their studio quality kit.

What you'll need to get started.

At the most basic level, all you need for recording at home is a microphone, a sound card and a computer running some recording software. Lets look at the hardware first.


You can use the same microphone you would use for live shows for basic home recording (the Shure SM58 is a tried and tested classic), but you'll want to think about getting a studio quality condenser microphone if you want to record higher quality vocals.

Pop Shield

Pop shields are an inexpensive device that attaches to the mic stand, and stops loud blowing and popping noises from reaching the microphone. Singers make these noises mostly when singing 'P' and 'B' type sounds. You can make basic pop shield by stretching a pair of tights over a wire coat hanger! It won't be as good as a professional one, but it will do the job pretty well!

Sound Cards

The majority of sound cards that come with computers are not designed for use with music programs. If you try to use them for recording music the quality will be much lower and you will experience large delays which will make recording impossible. If you want to do home recording then you will need a soundcard that has been designed for this purpose.

There are several different types:-

Internal Cards - If you have a PC that has a spare internal card slot, then you can get a relatively inexpensive sound card that can be used for home music production. If you know what you are doing you can fit them yourself, but if you're in any doubt then please (for your own safety) get someone who knows what they are doing to fit it.

USB / FIREWIRE - there are some great sound cards that attach via USB / FIREWIRE. They usually cost a little bit more, but are really easy to transfer between computers if you use more than one.

Another thing to consider when you are buying a sound card is whether or not it will directly accept the signal from your microphone. It will almost certainly tell you this on the package / website where you buy it from, and may say something like 'Mic Preamp'. If it doesn't then you will need to connect it via your mixing desk.

Now lets talk about the software

On the most basic level, the software works by recording each channel of music (e.g. Vocals, Guitar, Drums etc). You can then alter the volumes of each of the different tracks, just like you would do live on a mixing desk. Each separate channel can be chopped up and moved around (just like you can copy and paste text in a word processor). This is what makes recording on computers much more powerful than old style tape recordings. Finaly you can add effects like compression, reverb and delay to individual tracks (or to the whole mix) then your track is about finished.

I've always used software from a company called Steinberg. It's very powerful software and it's pretty easy to understand. Steinberg produces a very high quality studio program called Cubase 4. They also produce a cut down version for the home user called Cubase 4 Essential, and another piece of software aimed at total beginners called Sequel. There are several other companies that also make great quality, affordable software for home recording.

Once you've got the basics set up, you just need to get recording, and try out new things. Make sure you read the user manual to get full benefit out of these powerful pieces of software.

Good luck, and above all, enjoy your music!

hip hop instrumentals

There's a variety of methods that you can use to create Hip Hop Instrumental beats for you or someone else to emcee or sing over. The initial thing you need to decide is if you are going to be using hardware or software, whichever method you pick to produce your hip hop instrumentals either one will work just fine if you are musically inclined and have the dedication, or like many hip hop and r&b producer gurus use the combination of both hardware and software to create hip hop instrumental beats. But this is a ongoing battle of what is really better to use? Software or Hardware.
It's not a must to purchase the latest MPC to make the rawest Hip Hop Instrumental beats out there on the market. You could make the same quality of beats and save a bunch of money and spend about 3-4 hundred dollars on some good software like Reason or Fruity Loops and make the same quality Hip Hop Instrumentals of that as a 3000 dollar MPC or keyboard sequencer. A few of the things you will surely need to create some high quality hip hop instrumentals are high quality samples and drum sounds. There are varieties of methods to get drum sounds and samples these days but the initial way I'm going to talk about is sampling sounds from records.
Sampling from records in a nutshell refers to playing a record then choosing a segment or a simple sound, then exporting it into a program like Adobe Audition to chop up the sample until it sounds ill. Aight yo, say you have an old record and a song starts off with a drum loop with no other instruments, you can take that drum sample from the beginning then export that sample into a sequencing program like Cubase or Adobe Audition then loop the snare or selected instrument or sound you picked to loop. Export the snare sound(or whatever), export it into a mastering program or as is....if you choose, then there you a got it, your very own snare sound for you hip hop instrumental beat.
This is the same if you find a good catchy tune in a particular song that you would like to sample from. Then you can render the sample into a sequencing program like Cubase and screw around with it by tweaking the pitches and frequencies of sound to your discretion, or just straight loop that piano sample from that Mozart record, addsome hip hop drums behind it then you might just have a dope ass Hip Hop Instrumental for you to either spit over or try and sell it to some emcee fiending for a dope ass hip hop instrumental.
A alternate way other then buying a bunch of records and turntables for sounds and samples for your hip hop instrumentals is to just purchase some pre-mastered drum-kits and samples that are all ready mastered and ready for your usein WAV. format. Not Mp3. There are many many sites that offer this service for a small fee, just do a search in a search engine for hip hop samples or hip hop instrumentals and there will be loads of sites just waiting for you with some kick ass drum kits for your hip hop instrumentals.

Create Your Beats

(Translated from source language)
These tips are really good, but they sound stupid because they're from another language.
When it is discussed some music of rap of manufacture beats, takes a lot of query of where to begin, that the program and the hardware of to use, and like all comes together. I am of under 7 essential points to consider when to do a beaten of music of rap:
1. To invest in a keyboard midi-compatible: Some producers experience to program their beaten using their alone one the their mouse and their keyboard. While this can work, we will find that it is a lot not as hard to use a keyboard midi-compatible when a music of rap of to make beats. To have that a keyboard will permit we make one's will the affected sounds easiest, the game of cord of sequences, and program the sequences of note of natural-survey. Without it, all it should be done tediously programming alone every note in from the hand.
2. To over the time to learn its program of program. If we uses the Knots of Fruity, the Reason, the Logic, Cubase, or whatever other program of program for the beaten, I cannot emphasize like important is at fund of to learn to use its program of music. To read the manual, the video of clock on Youtube, to read the articles, and perhaps most of in important manner the experiment with the program of beaten practical. A time we learns the in and outside its program, we will be able to translate the end whatever musical idea that we has above the screen and in its beaten of music of rap.
3. Of ever of it underestimates the lovely sounds. it is crucial that we same you directs distant from the factory aranges the sounds in its program and spends some money on the lovely sounds for the its beaten of music of rap. we can buy some sounds for of whatever music of program of program, if is the Reason, the Knots of Fruity, Cubase, etc. A lot of websites have also of the champions of their sounds, therefore we is able to hear the first that we buys.
5. To listen to a lot of styles of music. To be a producer of well-to round off, same you does a favor and listen to the different types of music. The music of to listen to different dall' hip-hop will open its brain until the new note of sequences of types, the models of drum, them us it it, and the global composition of song. This sets to music it will be packed in its subconscious, and if we realizes that it or it won't have that a positive effect on its capacity to do the beaten of music of rap.
4. To learn the lovely technologies of to blend. When the music of rap of to make beats, not underestimate ever the technical importance of voucher of to blend. Its that blending them ability can do or is able break its beaten. we could have put down the most large melody of all time, but if the beaten badly is blended will seem bad. Like a producer, its work is not necessarily to do a mixture "final version" of the beaten of music, because the vocal one will have to be nevertheless added and the engineer of study should sting nevertheless little things a time the vocal one are ended. we would have to however, it does the better one we is able with its equipment of to do a solid one, a mixture presentabile for its beaten of music of rap.
6. The beaten of music of rap of mark because we it WANTS to! In the age of today, it is obvious that a lot productive we do of the beaten because it is now possible to do their sale of money in line. we will find that as soon as we does to fall the association of money with the music, we will have a lot more beaten of fun of manufacture of music. If we is provided and the music of mark outside passion, the money verrà!
The thanks to read! I hope that we uses these points of manufacture of beaten of rap to excel in the beaten of music of rap of manufacture of its actual!

Which Software Package For Your Computer Music Needs

With the ride range of music software that is currently available, there are many options and features that have their strengths and weaknesses. Before you choose sequencing software you should think about the tasks that you want the software to perform. Will you likely be creating your own instrumentals and vocals or will you need a lot of synthesized sounds and hooks? Different software is better for different types of music such as dance, rock or pop. Budget is also a concern because some types of expensive software offers advanced features that cannot be found in more affordable music software packages. Whether the final result will play on a Dell laptop or an Apple Ipod, the type of digital audio software that makes the music is responsible for a lot of the quality.
The sequencer is the most basic form of digital music production as it enables the user to operate a synthesizer with MIDI commands. Most sequencing packages have options to produce high quality sounds use of loops and samples, soft synths, and various audio effects. Some examples of popular sequencer software include Steinberg Cubase, and Apple Logic. Steinberg Cubase software allows for audio and MIDI editing and recording or both an Apple Macbook and PCs. Apple logic software comes only with the PC version but has a wider range of sequencing features available.
Some digital music software takes sequencing a step further with the addition of studio-like software that mimics audio hardware. This includes the ability to produce entire songs with just one software program. These advanced sequencers usually have detailed interfaces that resemble the hardware that can be found in most professional music studios. Propellerhead Reason is one example of an advanced sequencer featuring a user friendly interface and a large library of sounds that can be added onto the onboard music library.
Audio editors are another piece of software used in digital audio studios. Audio editors are useful for cropping, removing unwanted noise, and adding various effects using a variety of audio formats. Sony Sound Forge is a popular audio editing and recording software application that is available in both lite and professional versions.
Audio settlers are useful for playing back segments of audio. They can play this audio back at different pitches and be used to create filters and other sound effects to a track. While many of the features of digital samplers are similar to those of hardware samplers, electronic samplers tend to be more user-friendly than their hardware brethren. Native Instruments Kontakt is one popular electronic sampler that incorporates up to 5 different modes that enable the user to experience sampled playback in addition to pitch shifting and drum looping options.
While most sequencing software comes with effects of their own, additional packages of filters and plugins can be bought as add-ons. This way, external software can be used as if it is part of the native software.

miercuri, 13 iulie 2011

Midi Sequencer - Music Revolution

Discovering the music revolution and why midi's part in it has become mainstream for the trade and essential for many composers and musicians.
Midi Sequencer
The very first thing to understand about midi sequencers is that they make no sound of their own. True, some later hardware units come with onboard sounds that the sequencer will use, however when midi sequencers initially came to market they have been a stand alone utility (both hardware and software program items) and it was essential to plug the midi output of the unit into the midi in of the desired sound module (there were dozens of them; DX7 (keyboard), TX7 (module) various Roland items (Sound Canvas, MT 32), Korg, and many others.
The sequencer's role is to seize, accurately, the digital midi occasions produced by a midi keyboard or different sort of midi controller resembling a guitar to midi converter or Yamaha's EWI - a midi wind instrument. The instrument sends out information in 7 bit packets (7 bits allows counting to 128) and tells the receiving unit what sort of knowledge is coming, word on, the be aware quantity to play, the midi channel it's on, the rate of the note and, observe off.
Over the previous years its grow to be extra common for designers to use notice duration (as an alternative of using key on/key off protocol) as this helps stop "stuck notes", an unlucky expertise, particularly in a live surroundings, where the sound module hasn't received the "word off" and continues to play a number of sounds.
There are a lot of midi sequencers obtainable from low cost to expensive. I began with Steinberg's Pro24 a few years ago using Atari computer systems and continued all through Cubase's era until Cubase SX2. I had no end of issues with Cubase once I moved to the PC platform and so started a seek for something that will work for me. In the end I came throughout SAWStudio and the Midi Workshop and, after testing these for a few months, discovered that this combination was rock strong so far as locking audio to midi and vice versa.
I ended up going with SAWStudio + MWS combo and proceed to be impressed by how properly this setup works - additionally at this level I need to make point out of SAWStudio's excellent sound quality, one thing lacking from my earlier experiences. With an install size of simply 1.four meg - a full working surroundings might be put onto an USB reminiscence stick. SAWStudio's use of computer sources is so low that I have efficiently used a Celeron four hundred outfitted desktop laptop to run a full-on theatre restaurant show with music and sound effects, plus operating the light show with 3 mild controllers chasing midi instructions from the Midi WorkShop.
That was enjoyable stuff :)
So - again to the story of the midi-music revolution. First we'll take the instance of a 4 piece band. If the musicians are hot gamers and work properly collectively, it is best to document them direct to tape or disk. What if they are not so nice dwell but have many glorious ideas? Should they sink again into the darkness simply because they, so far, have not developed their playing expertise to a high degree? I do not assume so - and if it have been the case, there can be a hell of quite a lot of music that may never have come to our attention.
As an instance the four piece band play well, however the drummer's kit seems like a group of garbage tins. We may have the band play live and "exchange" the drum sounds later (in all probability keeping the cymbals), or we could program a drum observe with some nice sounds and have the band follow the track.
Perhaps we find we have to add some brass later. No downside - play it reside to disk or tape; or add one other midi observe and play the notes into the track.
Enjoying the notes right into a midi observe allows for a lot flexibility later on the mixing stage as notes can simply be shifted anyplace you need, and sounds may be altered, to suit mixing into the mix, or to be wildly different.
Looking at one other space - scoring music for movie or TV - we see midi has all however changed conventional orchestral recording.
Certainly nothing compares with a nicely recorded reside orchestra but, as costs skyrocket, only big price range motion pictures are capable of afford such productions leaving many of the production work lately to composers using very massive midi systems.
These composers could have hundreds of high quality samples to attract from and may even augment their midi composition with live strings or various other stay devices - however the basis of their composition shall be midi instruments.
Another space is the lone musician. This state of affairs is where one individual is composing and producing songs whereby he/she might compose the whole backing utilizing midi devices and then, perhaps, file themselves singing and/or playing guitar together with the backing.

Finding the Right Recording Studios Software

Before you start spending on the recording studios software, you should first try and understand the basic need of these items and their availability. In most of the modern recording studios, people use computers and audio software without which recordings would not have attained the quality and class it has today. Software are not only required for the purpose of recording but even while addition of effects, sound synthesis, mastering, transfer, archiving, editing, filtering and many more. In a recording studio, you may only have a computer and along with it few audio recording software for functioning. Thus, these audio software and computers are quite indispensable and plays a vital role in every recording studio.
These recording studios software supports a wide variety of audio recording features including conversion tools, audio compression, level matching and spectrum analysis. You can even use them to enhance other features like sampling, MIDI devices, instruments like synthesizers, drums, musical notation and many more.
The best of the recording studio software
The Cakewalk Sonar 5 is the latest and updated version of the Sonar software and is significantly rated higher than its earlier version. The Sonar 5 displays its class, its supremacy and influential features which would definitely enhance the experience of recording. Being the best, it is widely accepted in the market and is highly in demand. The involvement of this particular software would give the recording studios a new dimension and produce better and richer quality music.
The Cubase SX is another recording studio software of high quality. The Steinberg Cubase SX version is the most powerful among all the versions of the software produced by Cubase. This is highly effective in case of recording as regardless of any type of audio creation you may work on, this particular software has the capability to control the whole process and provide sufficient result. It is a supreme performer and is used in various major recording studios. The reason of its preference being its user friendliness and smooth working ability that makes it one of the best sequencers one can ever find.
The Apple Logic Pro 7 - Among all the preferred sequencers, this one holds its place high on the list. This is the most advanced and superior among all the Logic series software but other than the Mac users no one else would be able to use this technology. It can be easily compared to the excellent performance of the Cubase and Cakewalk due to its excellent quality.
Other recording studios software
Leaving these specific hi-defined, prolific and advanced software, there are several others which can also be used in the recording process like the samplers, interactive composing software, CD burning software, sample CD's, audio effects software and software for the synthesizers.
The price factor
These major recording studios software starts from as low as $100 and can go up to few thousand dollars. However, these mechanics would stimulate the performance and add worth to the expensive instruments and equipments you have put up in the studio.

Audio Production Software for beginners

Are you a music enthusiast looking to make a name out of singing your heart out? With the introduction of sophisticated audio production software you can now do it by yourself. The audio production and recording software programs used for home studios is user friendly. The software for music production is used for the purposes of editing, recording, mixing, encoding, composing digital files, tweaking and converting MP3 files. The software come in different types, depending on your needs you can talk to a manufacturer and get the software that will work for you.
With the many audio production software titles in the market choosing the right one can be tricky, the audio production software comes in different prices and all serve different uses. To accommodate your studio needs it is advisable to go through the list of software available depending on the style of music you want to produce. The kinds of music that can be produced by the audio production software available are pop, rock, R&B, and hip hop. Singing your heart out is one thing and turning the music into an exceptional commercial piece is another. Before you set out to sing and record your song, the lyrics must have a flow; you can incorporate rhyme. Depending on your voice, you will have to balance your high notes and low notes so that the recording process can begin.
With advanced audio production software it will not be so difficult to go about producing your song. If you are an amateur you will not need the highly sophisticated software. There is easy to use software like the Cubase.
Cubase audio production software has been the choice of many people looking to produce music. It is software that lets you create, edit and add mixes to your musical composition. With Cubase you can save your files and burn them to a CD. The MIDI functions and sequencers allow you, the producer, to edit you music by the click of the mouse. Here is how to use the Cubase Software: first you have to install the software, verify the drivers in the sound card. With the control panel the options are properly laid out, you can also click 'help' in the menu bar for help.
Start a new project by creating a folder name. Cubase always saves your changes the moment you add images, fades and editing. The audio production software contains a twenty four track audio that allows you to separate the track from the vocal, sound effects and instruments. The software being user friendly as it is will allow you to master the art of recording quickly.
Apart from learning from the comfort of your home you can also enroll for classes. The music classes are designed to equip you with the skills required for music production using the latest advancements in technology. Music theory, audio engineering, production techniques, mixing and many more are taught. Well if you decide to do it by yourself then all you need to do is equip your home studio with recording microphone and audio production software.

Facts You Must Know About Using Steinberg Cubase and VST Plugins, VSTi Plugins & Virtual Instruments

When you hear the name Steinberg in the world of music making then you will also hear about VST. This simply means Virtual Studio Technology and was developed by Steinberg. It has revolutionized the possibilities of creating and recording your music on your very own computer. It is the software solution to all that costly and cumbersome hardware that has been utilized in the past to achieve basically the same results. Using the VST plugins is the perfect solution for the small companies or individuals to make their own instrument sounds.
Now is the perfect time to start becoming in this music venture because the necessary tools such as the VST plugin are available at a reasonable price. Remember as you are composing your music that it must not only be pleasing to you, but to be truly successful it should be pleasing to others as well. The only personal requirements that are necessary is time and dedication. You do not have to be a musician to get great results.
When you become involved with making music on your computer you are in fact becoming involved in the technical meaning of electronic music production. The great feature about this is you are not going to require a bunch of very expensive hardware equipment. You are going to want to set up some type of studio and you have some basic options to do this. For a very basic layout, you are going to need a fairly up to date computer and some music software. This is where your VST plugins are going to become a very valuable commodity.
Don't get dragged into buying a bunch of unnecessary items when you are making your purchases. You can always add to your setup as you become more involved in it. Your very first step is learning all about your VST plugins. If you aren't well versed in their capabilities then you are not going to be able to use them to their maximum potential.
Once you feel comfortable with the software then start experimenting. Don't be too hard on yourself when at first you don't get the results you are looking for. VST plugins are a wonderful aid to what you want to accomplish but in the long run, you are the composer.

The Guide to Using Steinberg Cubase VST Synthesizers Software - Virtual Instruments

Say you own a computer with an audio interface and various monitors then you are well on your way to creating your individual music at home. It would seem a bit exquisite to even think that you could do this, but with the VST plugins even a beginner can make various fantastic music. You have virtual equipment available to you at your finger tips. The day of complex equipment for music-making are gone. It doesn't take being a comp or technology whiz to achieve many things when the VST plugins are utilized.
Without a doubt if youre into making your music then you have a couple of fundamental wisdom of the terminology that goes along with it. For example, youre probably aware of terms such as FM, subtractive and wave-tables. These are very popular and used synthesis methods that have been utilised for years. With the VST plugins, this has become an even simpler task.
VST plugins a great resource for those individuals who are interested in music creation and production.
Back in the day, if you were going to do serious things with sound, you needed a bunch of expensive equipment, or maybe access to a real recording studio. With computers, the bar has been lowered considerably.
Virtual instruments have given the home or laptop-based musician unprecedented access to new sounds and new ways to make them
Creating chart topping hits right from the comfort of your own room has never been so easy. Sound synthesis instruments which were once prohibitively expensive are now available to everyone in the form of cost-effective software such as VST Platinum.
VST means virtual studio technology. Once you have decided to give making your very own music a shot then simply go to the free on-line VST directory. You would discover downloads for the plug-ins there. Likewise it will be a great idea to do some research as to the best way to get started with them. In addition, check several of the music forums. You would no doubt find a wealth of data here.
Realise your own musical creativity by exploring VST plugins and get inspiration for a whole new musical composition. VST Platinum offers a all-in-one solution that rivals expensive sound synthesis instruments.
Creating your personalised music is a very rewarding experience. Up until the birth of the VST plug-ins, it really wasn't an alternative for the lay person. There is numerous marvellous equipment on the market to do this, but it's pricy and takes a fair amount of technical knowledge to the get the desired effects that you would be looking for.
It doesn't matter whether you are interested in making your personalized music as a hobby or if its something you want to become serious about, you'll want to utilise every of the qualities that these little gems can afford you.
Most individuals feel far more easy working with software synthesis then hard-ware. They don't find it as frustrating, and hence become much more adept at it much quicker.

5 Tips to Setting Recording Levels For Music Production - Cubase LE, Cubase SX and VST Plugins

Lets assume, you have all the neat software and everything you need to produce an amazing pop song. You know how you want to compose it. You have a state of the art computer and you're ready to go. But now what? You just don't know where to begin.
When you performed your vst download you figured you would be up and composing within minutes right? Well hopefully by the time you have finished this article you will be well on your way to creating your first piece of computer music.
If you have been trying to do some research, then you may be a little overwhelmed with the contradictory information on the web. No doubt, you will come across a great variation of individuals who claim to have discovered the perfect sound. Remember one thing all you need to learn is the basics that are used on the charts today. They are a proven success and this is what you need when you begin to utilize your vst download.
To begin with make up your mind that if you want top class results you are going to have to spend some serious time at it. If you want something that you can just throw together, then just go and experiment whenever you have the time. The following information is geared to helping you get the most from your vst download.
You most likely have the basic multi-track that consists of about 8 drum tracks, at least one base track. Then along with this, some instruments such as keyboards and guitar. Then you vocals. You may be also have some percussion tracks as well. Plus you will need at least a traditional multichannel mixed along with some other basic items as well. Next step is to familiarize yourself with all that you own in conjunction with your vst download.
Step 1
Do you basic recording which will be your starting point.
Step 2
Now start your initial mixing. Do not jump directly here to start. Do your prep work as outline above first.
Step 3
Start using your noise gates, which is a device geared towards letting sound come through if it is louder than the set amount.
Step 4
Work on the padding, determine if you want this or you primarily want the lead instruments to do the work.
Step 5
Be sure to save your mix and take a break.
Step 6
Now move onto adding the main parts. Utilize your VST download to the fullest extent to get the sound you are looking for.
Step 7
Pay closer attention to your equalization and processing of the major parts of your music that you have compiled up to this point.
Step 8
If you are limited with the amount of tracks that you have, you can involve some tract sharing here.
From this point on you should be well versed with all of your VST download. You should have composed a pretty good piece. Don't stop here, now continue on adding all the fine tuning that you think it requires. Strive for the ultimate recording possible. Who knows you may very well be the next top composer.

How to guide: Cubase MIDI Tips

Starting off with a new piece of software can often seem a daunting process, so let's take a look through some basic processes in Cubase and kick-start your knowledge database! Remember to check out our glossary if you need some help with any of the technical terms used in this or any of our tutorials.
To open a project:
1. File - new project - empty - create a folder and name it "track 1" for example
2. Save - cntrl - s then name the project within the folder you have created
To import audio samples:
1. File - import - audio file
To set up virtual instrument:
1. In blue column to left right click- add MIDI track
2. Choose instrument... F11 - choose synth of your choice
3. Go back to your MIDI track -make sure the "show inspector" tab is highlighted blue (top left)
4. Go to "out" and select the synth you have added
Arranging content:
1. Choose your sample/ MIDI block eg. kick drum
2. Click- hold -alt - drag - drop
3. Change quantize to suit groove (top right) >I< = snap to grid
4. When snap to grid it will follow your quantize options to the right e.g. bar, beat,. use quantize - alter 1/16ths etc...
5. I would recommend grid snap on - use quantize - 1/16
Navigation bar:
1. Press F2 to show or hide it
2. Contains useful features such as Auto Q (quantizes midi going in eg. on keyboard)
3. Stop play, skip etc.... just like discman!
4. Click = click track/ metronome
5. Tempo - change to fixed
6. Change BPM to what you want
1. Press F3 to open & close mixer
2. Press the small e icon to open up effects
Effects window (small e button):
1. Left to right: inserts -> eq -> sends
2. Inserts... think of them as guitar fx pedals such as distortion
3. EQ is to shape the sound... try presets (top black toolbar)
4. Sends are for ambient effects such as delay or reverb, or buses for example if you wanted to send percussion to a group drum channel
Setting up ambient sends:
1. Right click in blue column and select "add fx track channel"
2. Select stereo and the effect you want such as reverb
3. On the effect box for example reverb... choose a preset for example "hall"
4. Turn the mix up to 100%
5. Go to mixer (F3) & sound/instrument you want reverb on and press small E
6. To the right hand side you have your sends.... select your new effect (reverb for example)
7. Turn it on and send the signal
1. For audio... add an insert/eq or send that you want to alter for example a filter
2. Go to the small + at the bottom left of the audio cell and click it
3. Select the parameter that you want to automate then press the R button. sometimes you may need to press "more" to find the one you want
4. The line is now activated and draw in your changes
5. For synths the same applies however instead of pressing the + on the midi track you have to find the actual synth
6. This can be found in "vst instruments tab"
To save a song:
1. Press cntrl A to highlight tune
2. Press P to loop whole track
3. File - export - audio mixdown
4. Choose file type & make sure its stereo interleaved (channel tab)
EQ & Level tips:
1. To make sure you don't distort... when you start a project put your loudest signal half way on the mixer
2. EQ use common sense for example guitar is a mid range frequency, cymbals are high, bass is low.... so either trim or enhance it in these areas
3. A main rule for EQ is to take away bass where it isn't needed - this will help keep your mix clear.
Keyboard shortcuts (speed up your work-flow!):

The Secrets to Making Music With Your Computer With VST Cubase SX, LE Software

For those of you who can think back to the old Atari ST computers in 1989 you may recall using or hearing about the Digital Audio Workstation (DAW). Well needless to say, technology has come a long way since then in the music production and recording with computer programs. The favored terminology today is VST Cubase. This is a program that offers you all you need to get the sounds you are looking for. With this, you will be able to make your own CDS for distribution. To start with, the program offers recording, producing and mixing. All the requirements for great music productions.
With VST Cubase software, you can have an almost complete virtual studio. One can only imagine the money savings from not having to buy tons of equipment, or rent space to hold it all. The extra bonus is your studio is right at your fingertips. You can choose the hours you want to work day or night.
You are certainly not going to become bored with the using vst cubase software. You will be able to edit MIDI files. In addition you can change the raw audio tracks or the lyrics for example. Then once you become really familiar with Cubase you will be able to compose a stereo wav file that can be burned onto a CD. With this technology, it makes the dream of composing studio quality music a reality. Up until the cost factors made it impossible for the average musician to be able to cut a CD. It most certainly has opened many doors to opportunity.
If you are an avid musician or even music lover then the term computer music means a wide range of ways to compose your music. There are three ways to compose music with your computer. There is hybrid digital-analog systems, a digital to analog conversion. Along with this, there is sign-bit extraction. Out of the three, the most favored is the Digital to analog conversation. It is the simplest and most effective choice.
When it comes time to choose the proper VST cubase software, you are going to have the opportunity to choose from a variety of versions. To help you decide what is best for you really consider what it is you are going to require. The Cubase VST3.o Machintosh came out in 1996. It allows up to 32 tracks. Has lots of added features that any composer will undoubtedly use. There was one problem with it limiting memory but this was soon corrected with a patch.
If you are looking for a great windows version then check out the Cubase VST3.5 Windows. It has great features along with 32 tracks of digital audio and lots of equalizers.
The latest version of cubase would be the cubase 4. 1 released in 2007. It has taken care of any of the bugs that have been found in earlier versions. If you want to go one step further than the ultimate is the Cubase 4.5.2 released on September 11, 2008.

Cubase Music Production Tools

Cubase is the most widely-used sequencing program in the world with well over one million registered users. Designed for professionals from the ground up, Cubase converges extraordinary sound quality, intuitive handling and a vast range of highly advanced audio and MIDI tools for composition, recording, editing and mixing.
The first version of Cubase appeared in 1989 for the Atari ST computer although the programmer, Charlie Steinberg who gave his name to the company, had been creating sequencers for the Commodore 64 and Atari since the early 80s.
The release of Cubase in 1993 on the Atari Falcon was a breakthrough in DSP software technology as realtime manipulation of audio was possible without the assistance of additional processor cards, as was the case with the more costly Pro Tools and other similar systems. Cubase also sports a well-designed and fully functional midi and score editor, which seems to come as an afterthought in many sequencers even Pro Tools. If you want to record and tweak the sound with Cubase's native reverbs, eq and dynamics, all of the tools of the trade are there and much more improved from a graphic user interface standpoint.
Now owned by Yamaha, Steinberg is greatly benefiting from the music giants ownership. After all Yamaha is the largest musical instruments manufacturer in the world.
Designed for professionals from the ground up, Cubase 4 sets a new standard for integrated music production software by combining powerful audio and MIDI recording, synthesis, editing, mixing and effects. The brand new VST3 effect plug-in set and new first-class VST instruments are only the beginning. There are also new VST instruments, including three outstanding new synthesizers (Prologue, Spector and Mystic as well as HALion One sample player with hundreds of new instruments based on Yamaha Motif waveform), and the new Instrument Track class accelerates handling of VST Instruments and combines MIDI and plug-in automation within the same track.
Tailored for composers, musicians and project studios as well as students and educators, Cubase Studio 4 still offers professional music production technology thanks to a high-quality set of essential tools, but at a lower price point than Cubase 4.
Customers who purchase Cubase 4 will find additional advanced features required for the final production phases including surround support, full Control Room functionality and specialised plug-ins and tools for creating a final mixdown.
These music tools will allow you to write tunes in a way that more directly relates to musical notation. But the input may instead be one of the time value reporters included in the Music Tools. Pro Tools MP3 OptionBy including the Pro Tools MP3 Option, the Music Production Toolkit makes it easy to listen to a new mix on a portable device or quickly share it with other band members without having to use a separate application. We all need the proper tools to create music, and by "tools" I don't mean acertain brand of instrument or amplifier, but rather the music we hear inside.
In Summary Cubase in my opinion at least is the Dewalt Power tool of the production world. Powerful and Reliable.

Steinberg Cubase 6 - Is This the No1 Studio Tool For Music Production?

Being a company Steinberg are synonymous with melding tools and creativity and their ethos is to help musicians hone their craft in ways to facilitate prioritise creativity. To go out with, within your means tools has plant them on the forefront of the song industry. Their flagship digital audio workstation Cubase has consistently ticked both of persons boxes. Recently launched on NAMM, Steinberg's Cubase 6 replaces Cubase 5 and promises to be even more lucrative, but does it really dispense in lieu of musicians.
Steinberg's tries to bake Cubase the principal end in lieu of recording, cutting, mixing and producing quality, certified song. New skin and enhancements include an innovative multi-track cutting tool, a spanking take-comping practice and VST Expression 2. The refined interface gives quicker access and more intuitive control, whilst spanking and improved personal property and instruments include HALion Sonic SE with more than 900 sounds, VST Amp Rack virtual guitar amplifier, LoopMash2 in lieu of remixing loops and Groove Agent ONE drum instrument.
The central appeal of Cubase 6 is in its user-friendly versatility, coupled to detailed control wherever it's necessary. Judging by our principal impressions, musicians from rock bands to DJs and composers to singers will observe the tools, personal property and reduce of habit of extreme appeal. For the beginner at hand is a Project Assistant with templates to understand them in progress and moreover two hours of in-depth excessive definition tape tutorials. Added innovative users and professionals will be more than blissful with the titanic range of possibilities to facilitate Cubase 6 offers, of course of action with Steinberg's famous cross-platform flexibility in lieu of Mac or PC users.
Singers will love HALion Sonic SE with its pitch of virtual instruments and sounds to create patronage in lieu of vocals. Used in Cycle mode a singer can LP several takes in quick succession and Cubase will create a lane track in lieu of all of the takes. Once the most excellent bits are selected Cubase will at that moment create a master from them. High quality EQs, reverbs, a certified de-esser and a Pitch Correct plug in in lieu of cutting give out a real certified polish to the finished consequence. From 'comping' reasonable through to Red Book mastering, Cubase 6 must appeal to vocalists of all persuasions.
For composers, this up-to-the-minute edition of Cubase can well be the answer to all their prayers. MIDI interpretation being played are translated truthfully to musical notation, on which purpose the notch can at that moment be edited with more than individual hundred certified notation symbols. Instructions distinguished in the Score Editor are converted into MIDI to be used with VST instruments in authentic instance. VST Expression 2 gives instrument articulation and dynamics, coupled with HALion's superior quality orchestral sounds. Cubase has a heritage to facilitate has continually prearranged it something of an skirt after it comes to constitution and scoring, but the spanking offering improves workflow significantly.
For persons in electronic song production from DJs to producers the Groove Agent ONE drum instrument, LoopMash2 and the beat designer must inspire about extreme beats and loops. The VST interface makes it trouble-free to unite hardware synths and samplers. With more than sixty audio personal property with reverb, delays, inflection personal property and dynamic processors, 18 MIDI personal property with the Arpache arpeggiator and an Arranger function, which enables the live doer to circumscribe particular sections in lieu of in concert in a chosen order at hand is ample of scope in lieu of pushing live electronic song in spanking instructions credit to the advent of Cubase 6.
The limitless run to of audio tracks and lane track device in lieu of quick multi-take comping makes Cubase 6 ideal in lieu of bands whether it is used in a run through extent or recording studio. Integrated audio pre-record function prevents a accomplished take being missed. Pitch Correct and VariAudio are worthwhile tools, while Track Edit Groups can be activated to link connected trial on multiple tracks to save instance after cutting. The virtual control extent includes four studio buses in lieu of original submixes, talkback function, separate metronome means of transportation and four screen setups. The headset mix in lieu of musicians and singers and six friends to outside sound sources will be as long as in very handy in lieu of all Cubase users, but particularly in lieu of bands.