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joi, 14 iulie 2011

Create Your Beats

(Translated from source language)
These tips are really good, but they sound stupid because they're from another language.
When it is discussed some music of rap of manufacture beats, takes a lot of query of where to begin, that the program and the hardware of to use, and like all comes together. I am of under 7 essential points to consider when to do a beaten of music of rap:
1. To invest in a keyboard midi-compatible: Some producers experience to program their beaten using their alone one the their mouse and their keyboard. While this can work, we will find that it is a lot not as hard to use a keyboard midi-compatible when a music of rap of to make beats. To have that a keyboard will permit we make one's will the affected sounds easiest, the game of cord of sequences, and program the sequences of note of natural-survey. Without it, all it should be done tediously programming alone every note in from the hand.
2. To over the time to learn its program of program. If we uses the Knots of Fruity, the Reason, the Logic, Cubase, or whatever other program of program for the beaten, I cannot emphasize like important is at fund of to learn to use its program of music. To read the manual, the video of clock on Youtube, to read the articles, and perhaps most of in important manner the experiment with the program of beaten practical. A time we learns the in and outside its program, we will be able to translate the end whatever musical idea that we has above the screen and in its beaten of music of rap.
3. Of ever of it underestimates the lovely sounds. it is crucial that we same you directs distant from the factory aranges the sounds in its program and spends some money on the lovely sounds for the its beaten of music of rap. we can buy some sounds for of whatever music of program of program, if is the Reason, the Knots of Fruity, Cubase, etc. A lot of websites have also of the champions of their sounds, therefore we is able to hear the first that we buys.
5. To listen to a lot of styles of music. To be a producer of well-to round off, same you does a favor and listen to the different types of music. The music of to listen to different dall' hip-hop will open its brain until the new note of sequences of types, the models of drum, them us it it, and the global composition of song. This sets to music it will be packed in its subconscious, and if we realizes that it or it won't have that a positive effect on its capacity to do the beaten of music of rap.
4. To learn the lovely technologies of to blend. When the music of rap of to make beats, not underestimate ever the technical importance of voucher of to blend. Its that blending them ability can do or is able break its beaten. we could have put down the most large melody of all time, but if the beaten badly is blended will seem bad. Like a producer, its work is not necessarily to do a mixture "final version" of the beaten of music, because the vocal one will have to be nevertheless added and the engineer of study should sting nevertheless little things a time the vocal one are ended. we would have to however, it does the better one we is able with its equipment of to do a solid one, a mixture presentabile for its beaten of music of rap.
6. The beaten of music of rap of mark because we it WANTS to! In the age of today, it is obvious that a lot productive we do of the beaten because it is now possible to do their sale of money in line. we will find that as soon as we does to fall the association of money with the music, we will have a lot more beaten of fun of manufacture of music. If we is provided and the music of mark outside passion, the money verrà!
The thanks to read! I hope that we uses these points of manufacture of beaten of rap to excel in the beaten of music of rap of manufacture of its actual!

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